I’m on a journey of learning and need to make a decision on which way I go first. When I ordered my Explorer16 board, I also ordered the PIC32MX460F512L PIM, a 32-bit USB capable 100pin chip for the Explorer 16. I also ordered a couple of books from Amazon but they look to be still quite a way off. Anyway I went looking through Books24x7.com to see what they had and came across a book Programming 32-bit Microcontrollers in C: Exploring the PIC32 by Lucio Di Jasio which I’ve started going through. It’s written for people like me who have some understanding of C and of the PIC although very limited. Its broken into days, well so called days. I got to day 10 over this weekend. So very quickly, I think I’m being swayed to the faster 32-bit world at the moment.
So entries here are not as much this weekend as I’ve learnt how to control the LCD using the PMP port (Parallel Master Port), how to use interupts, timers and a few other bits and pieces. Also starting to develop a bit of a library of goodies along the way.
It’s late, and tomorrow is a work day so till later….