Hi again. Onto the next example, this time on page 295 (figure 8.28). The code for this one is called ‘ledtoggle_nofsm’ and it’s in the chap8 folder. Now that we’ve defined EXPLORER16_100P in the pic24_all.h file, here is a new checklist to use: Double click on the project file for the exercise your wanting to […]
Tag: PIC24FJ128GA010
Well I’m going to run with the PIC24 for the time being and use the Microcontrollers – From Assembly Language to C Using the PIC24 Family book, but jumping to chapter 8 as the assembly language is not what I want at the moment. It’s learning about C and the PIC24. Anyway, as I’m using […]
My Explorer 16 development board arrived yesterday so have been playing with it. Initially the example code that came with the PIC24FJ128GA010, doing some basic things like modifying the looping LCD text, then writing my first program to test the LED’s on the board. Had to make sure it all worked. And as usual stuff from […]