Month: April 2012

chipKIT Max32 UART mapping

Been playing with the chipKIT Max32 a bit lately and using the native Microchip C32 compiler with MPLab X. Anyway, something not to well documented is the mapping between the different UARTs. This is what I’ve found: UART1 = UART1A = (RX0 pin A0 / TX0 pin A1) UART2 = UART3A = (RX2 pin 17 […]

Microchip C32 UART library example (modified)

I’ve modified the original UART example that comes with the Microchip C32 compiler to easily handle different UART’s along with adding a compare function that compares what is recieved over the UART to a pre-defined set of characters. See the description in the source below for more. Download the source as a text file here: […]

C32 – Global variable across multiple files

This is a simple example on how to use the same variable across multiple files using Microchip C32 compliler. The main file (with void main(void) in it) is source-file-one.c. It has the include statement for source-file-two.h. The variable globalvariable is defined in the main source file, and then refered to in source-file-two.c using the extern […]